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BFG In the News: Victor answers readers’ questions about the best place to keep cash while paying off a mortgage Thumbnail

BFG In the News: Victor answers readers’ questions about the best place to keep cash while paying off a mortgage

Victor Cannillo is quoted on this topic in an article in NJMoneyHelp.com by Karin Price Mueller, originally published on March 31, 2021. A reader with 14 years and $270k left on their 20-year mortgage and currently keeping those funds in an online bank earning 0.40%, posed the question, “Is there a better place to keep this money and earn some kind of yield without too much risk?” Baron Financial Group’s Wealth Management Principal, Victor Cannillo, offered this advice:

Investing Financial Planning Credit Baron Team Insights

Baron Financial Group Advisors recognized as “Five Star Wealth Managers” for Ten Consecutive Years

The Five Star Wealth Manager award, administered by Five Star Professional, recognizes professionals in the financial services industry who are committed to excellence. Baron Financial Group is proud to announce that Advisors Anthony Benante and Victor Cannillo are recognized as 2021 Five Star Wealth Managers in New Jersey. Anthony and Victor are proud to be multi-year award recipients for the past ten years in New Jersey (2012-2021).

Recognition Baron Team
A Persistent Forecast for 2021  Thumbnail

A Persistent Forecast for 2021

Wall Street forecasts lack persistence. Their shelf life may only be a few weeks or months at best. 2020 was a great example; once COVID hit, existing forecasts became worthless. And this happens just about every year – excuses abound as to why the “experts” got it wrong…again. Forecasts are alluring because they provide an illusion of certainty. And our brain wants certainty. The problem is that we are looking for certainty in the wrong place. Our forecast is persistent because...

Investing Baron Team Insights
BFG In the News: Victor answers readers’ questions about College-Savings Accounts and Financial Aid Thumbnail

BFG In the News: Victor answers readers’ questions about College-Savings Accounts and Financial Aid

Victor Cannillo is quoted on this topic in an article on NJMoneyHelp.com by Karin Price Mueller, originally published on July 30, 2020. A 90-second read by Victor Cannillo: If you are a grandparent who has set up a college-savings plan for your grandchild, you may be concerned as to how it could affect their financial aid eligibility. Here are some things to consider.

College Planning Baron Team Insights