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Cybersecurity Video: How We Protect Your Data Thumbnail

Cybersecurity Video: How We Protect Your Data

Baron Financial Group is committed to the protection and security of your personal information. As part of our Responsible Guidance platform, we have created a multi-part video series to educate you on Cybersecurity. Part 2 of our series discusses how we protect your data through our cybersecurity program, which includes:

Baron Team Videos
What are some differences between Exchange-Traded Funds and Index Mutual Funds? Thumbnail

What are some differences between Exchange-Traded Funds and Index Mutual Funds?

There are many factors to consider when comparing an exchange-traded fund (ETF) and an index mutual fund. An ETF is a marketable security that tracks an index, like an index fund. A Mutual Fund is an investment company that pools money from shareholders and invests in a variety of securities, including stocks, bonds and money market funds. A main difference between an ETF and an index mutual fund is an ETF trades continuously while the market is open, while the index mutual fund trades one time a day at market close.

Investing Insights
CARES Act:  Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Thumbnail

CARES Act: Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides additional relief for small businesses with the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). The initial program, first signed into law on March 27th, stopped accepting applications in mid-April due to a depletion of the original allocated funds. As of Monday, April 27th, the federal PPP, through the Small Business Administration (SBA), started accepting new applications. If you applied for funding in the first round, you will remain in the queue and do not need to apply again. For more information go to

Financial Planning Credit
CARES Act:  Unemployment Benefits Thumbnail

CARES Act: Unemployment Benefits

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides additional unemployment insurance benefits for workers impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic. Coverage has now been extended to cover more workers such as self-employed and independent contractors. For the next four months, eligible unemployed workers will receive an additional $600 per week, above and beyond the standard benefits. According to the U.S. Department of Labor:

Income Planning Insurance
Priorities for Organizations Reviewing Their Investment Plan Thumbnail

Priorities for Organizations Reviewing Their Investment Plan

Although the mission statement of organizations (such as endowments, foundations or not-for-profits) who manage funds for others (beneficiaries), can vary greatly, the need to responsibly manage the investments of the organization is crucial for the ultimate beneficiaries. Below are important priorities members should remember when reviewing their annual investments for their organizations:

Investing Baron Team
An Important Message from Baron Financial Group Thumbnail

An Important Message from Baron Financial Group

Dear Clients and Friends, We hope you have seen our recent post related to the Stock Market and COVID-19 (Coronavirus). We are here for you. If you feel it’s time to talk about your personal economy, we have several options available: Phone Calls, Video Conferencing and Emails. With everyone’s safety in mind, we would prefer to delay in-person meetings at this point. If needed, your Baron Team is capable of working remotely and can still be contacted. We can be reached by email at info@baron-financial.com or at 1-866-333-6659 to schedule a meeting via phone call or video conference. Or reach out directly to your team members. Stay healthy and safe!

Baron Team
The most common 1099-R Codes when filing your taxes - 2020 Thumbnail

The most common 1099-R Codes when filing your taxes - 2020

You will receive a form 1099-R if any money has been moved out of a retirement account. How much you will pay in taxes will depend on how the money is moved. You want to make sure any movement out of a retirement account is done properly, and the correct code is applied when you file your taxes. The code will appear in box 7 of the 1099-R.
