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Video: Market Update for July 2024

The "Baron Financial Group Market Update" is a video series where we present what has happened in the markets, what our team is doing now, and what we are looking at down the road. Some summertime suggestions for Your Personal Economy. It is a video with audio, so if you prefer to just listen, click play and enjoy! Presented by Anthony Benante, CFA. Watch our July 2024 Market Update video here:

Investing Baron Team Insights Market Updates Videos

Video: Market Update for May 2024

The "Baron Financial Group Market Update" is a video series where we present what has happened in the markets, what our team is doing now, and what we are looking at down the road. Some planning items to consider. It is a video with audio, so if you prefer to just listen, click play and enjoy! Presented by Anthony Benante, CFA. Watch our May 2024 Market Update video here:

Investing Baron Team Insights Market Updates Videos