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Video: Market Update for February 2025

Investing Baron Team Insights Market Updates Videos

The "Baron Financial Group Market Update" is a video series where we present what has happened in the markets, what our team is doing now, and what we are looking at down the road.  It is a video with audio, so if you prefer to just listen, click play and enjoy!

Presented by Anthony Benante, CFA, CFP®

February Market Update Highlights 

  • Economic data has been stable, but outlook is foggy
  • Index performance continues to rotate
  • Benefits of diversification are reinforced

Although each month the information may change, 
our Investment Principles remain:

  • Create a globally-diversified and risk-appropriate strategy. 
  • Validate the investment choices versus peer investments. 
  • Rebalance when needed. 
  • Test the strategy in a comprehensive financial plan and have regular feedback loops to update information.

Please contact the Baron Team with any questions.

Disclosure: This is a general communication being provided for informational purposes only. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Every investment strategy has the potential for profit or loss. Your Personal Economy refers to the aspects of your financial life that are unique to you.  This material is not intended to be relied upon as a forecast, research, tax or investment advice. The opinions expressed are as of March 1, 2025, and may change as subsequent conditions vary.