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Women Facing Life Changes: How We Can Help

Happy Women’s History Month! In honor of Women’s History Month, we are spotlighting Victoria Cannillo, an Associate Financial Planner/Analyst at Baron Financial Group. At Baron Financial Group, we understand the importance of women taking control of their finances and have experience providing financial guidance to women at different stages of life. Through our Financial Life Planning process, we are here to help answer the questions that don't always fit onto an investment statement.

Financial Planning Income Planning Baron Team

How to File an Extension on Your 2023 Tax Return

With the filing due date fast approaching, you are probably in the process of collecting all of your tax-related documents from the past year. Tax returns must be submitted by April 15th this year. If you realize that you are going to need more time to compile information for your tax return or haven’t received all of the documents you need, it will be in your best interest to file a tax extension. This will extend the due date up until October 15, 2024. Continue reading to learn how to file a paper tax extension.

Financial Planning Taxes

BFG in the News: Victoria answers a reader’s question about reclaiming a spouse’s pension benefits

Victoria Cannillo, a Financial Analyst at Baron Financial Group, is quoted on this topic, answering a reader’s question on NJMoneyHelp.com by Karin Price Mueller, “My husband left his assets to our daughter. What can I do?”, originally published in January 2024. Having a beneficiary for a pension plan is very important, since…

Financial Planning Retirement Planning Baron Team Insights

2024 Financial Checklist

The start of a New Year is a good time to share our financial checklist again. We created our checklist in January of 2020, as we began a new decade, to help people take a fresh look at their financials. As Financial Advisors, we are dedicated to educating our clients and our community about the importance of their financial health. We hope you find this checklist helpful! You can download the checklist here:

Investing Financial Planning Taxes Retirement Planning Income Planning Social Security Insurance

Baron Financial Answers Video: What is the financial planning process?

Baron Financial Team Answers Questions About “Your Personal Economy”. Presented by James Suazo, ChFC®. Today’s video provides a brief summary of our financial planning process. Our process involves 4 main steps, which will eventually help answer the question, “Am I OK?”. View or listen to our video to learn more

Financial Planning Retirement Planning Income Planning Baron Team Insights Videos Baron Financial Answers

BFG in the News: Victoria answers a reader’s question about a child’s savings and financial aid

Victoria Cannillo, a Financial Analyst at Baron Financial Group, is quoted on this topic, answering a reader’s question on NJMoneyHelp.com by Karin Price Mueller, “How will my daughter’s money count for financial aid?”, originally published on October 3, 2023. Assuming your daughter is going to apply for financial aid...

Financial Planning College Planning Baron Team Insights

Medicare Annual Enrollment – Oct. 15 – Dec. 7, 2023

Medicare is health insurance for individuals who are 65 and older, under 65 with certain disabilities, or those who have End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) or Amyotrophic Sclerosis (ALS). The Medicare annual open enrollment period for the 2024 Medicare Advantage and Part D prescription plans begins Oct. 15, 2023, and runs through December 7, 2023. You can change your Medicare Advantage and Part D plans without special enrollment requirements. The 2024 Medicare Parts A & B premiums and deductibles will be available in the latter part of the Annual Enrollment period at cms.gov. If you are applying for Medicare for the first time:

Financial Planning Retirement Planning Social Security Insurance

Chance You Will See Your Financial Blind Spot

It is easy to see blind spots in others, but incredibly difficult to see them in ourselves – that is why it is called a blind spot. It is near impossible to be objective when it comes to our personal circumstances. That’s why we engage trained professionals – to look at all angles. We may go see a doctor, lawyer, or financial advisor to help us be aware of what we do not see, teach us what we do not know, and improve our perspectives – so we can ultimately make better decisions. For your financial well-being, we suggest the following:

Financial Planning Insights