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BFG In the News: James answers a reader’s question about distributions from an inherited IRA

James Suazo, ChFC®, is quoted on this topic, answering a reader’s question on NJMoneyHelp.com by Karin Price Mueller, “I have an inherited IRA. How soon do I have to take distributions?”, originally published on November 30, 2021. If your inherited IRA falls under the 10-year rule, the IRS has clarified the rule in their publication 590-B...

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James Suazo Earns ChFC® Designation

We are proud to announce that James Jacob Suazo, ChFC®, of Baron Financial Group, has recently earned the Chartered Financial Consultant® designation. James is fluent in Spanish and helps clients with their investment and financial planning needs. Additionally, he researches and implements technological improvements within the field of financial planning and cybersecurity so Baron can continuously deliver quality services to their clients.

Recognition Baron Team

Continuing Our Tradition: BFG Scholarship in its 11th Consecutive Year

This year we are pleased to award a Baron Financial Group scholarship to two deserving graduates from the Fair Lawn High School Class of 2021 who are continuing their education in a business program – Sydney Gold and Jason Chenu. Continuing our commitment to education and to supporting our future business leaders, Baron Financial Group is proud to help these deserving students further their education.

Remembering the Victims of 9/11 Thumbnail

Remembering the Victims of 9/11

On this 20th anniversary of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, we remember and mourn the victims of 9/11 – those that perished and those that survived the unthinkable. We also honor the brave men and women, the first responders, who put their lives on the line to save others. We remember and mourn FDNY Firefighter Frank Anthony Palombo, beloved father of Maria Suazo and father-in-law of James Suazo, a member of the Baron Financial Group Team. May their memory be for a blessing.

Baron Team
Mid-Year Thoughts on the Markets & Economy Thumbnail

Mid-Year Thoughts on the Markets & Economy

There are always concerning headlines, disappointing economic results and fears about the future. This is exacerbated by the financial media, which is why I always advise investors to turn it off; ignore it. And if you just can’t help yourself to look, at the very least do it with the correct lens. That lens is that the media is all about getting you to click or tune in. Whether times are good or bad, the media often will portray things ...

Investing Baron Team Insights

Baron Financial Answers Video: How to make mindful financial decisions

Baron Financial Team Answers Questions About “Your Personal Economy"SM. To practice mindfulness when making investment decisions, we should: 1. Gather all the facts – not just those at our fingertips 2. Consider all the possible outcomes – not just ones we hope for 3. Consult with your advisor At Baron Financial Group, we always advise our clients to control the controllable and most importantly, keep emotions out of investing. Here is how we help our clients:

Investing Baron Team Insights Videos Baron Financial Answers
We Honor Our Veterans Thumbnail

We Honor Our Veterans

Baron Financial Group honors the brave men and women who gave their lives serving our country. To honor all our veterans, a donation has been made to: Adopt-a-Soldier Platoon, an all-volunteer charity that has been supporting our Troops since April 2003 and is based in Fair Lawn, NJ. Baron will be closed on Monday, May 31st in observance of Memorial Day.

How to Create a Safe Digital Password  Thumbnail

How to Create a Safe Digital Password

Protecting our personal identity in today’s digital world is of paramount importance. Creating a safe password is essential to that process of protecting our personal identifiable information (PII). How do we keep hackers from gaining access to our emails, our financial account information and even our medical records?

Baron Team Insights