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Social Security Increase for 2023

The Social Security Administration (SSA) announced on Thursday, October 13, 2022, that it will be increasing Social Security (SS) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits by 8.7 percent in 2023. This is the highest increase in 41 years. This cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) will begin for more than 65 million SS beneficiaries in January 2023 and for more than 7 million SSI beneficiaries, on December 30, 2022. Some people receive both Social Security and SSI benefits.

Financial Planning Retirement Planning Income Planning Social Security Insurance

How do I defend against cyber threats?

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month and the ideal time to re-share our educational videos on cybersecurity. Baron Financial Group is committed to the protection and security of your personal information. As part of our Responsible Guidance platform, we have created a multi-part video series to educate you on cybersecurity. It is important to stay vigilant to the ever-increasing cyber threats that invade our inbox.

Baron Team Videos

BFG in the News: James answers a reader’s question about re-entering the market

James Suazo, ChFC®, is quoted on this topic, answering a reader’s question on NJMoneyHelp.com by Karin Price Mueller, “We sold our stocks. What should we do with the money?”, originally published on September 7, 2022. Without knowing your full financial situation, we recommend answering the following questions to help you make an informed decision.

Investing Retirement Planning Baron Team Insights

Baron Financial Group Supports Special Needs Community

Baron Financial Group is committed to helping families with special needs plan for their future through the fiduciary services we provide. In addition, we are proud of the philanthropy we dedicate to organizations like Spectrum for Living (see more about Spectrum below). Baron’s founding partner, Victor Cannillo’s relationship with a special needs family member made him aware of the many challenges associated with those with developmental disabilities. It led him to...

Financial Planning Philanthropy Baron Team

Be Alert to Potential Scams

Baron Financial Group is committed to keeping your personal information safe and educating you on how to remain vigilant. With that in mind, we are sharing this bulletin from Schwab regarding potential scams. We have not received notification of any fraudulent activity with Baron Client Accounts. The following is an educational communication from Schwab to make you aware of what scams to look out for.

Investing Financial Planning Insights

Continuing Our Tradition: BFG Scholarship in its 12th Consecutive Year

This year we are pleased to award a Baron Financial Group scholarship to two deserving graduates from the Fair Lawn High School Class of 2022 who are continuing their education in a business program – Artem Beliavski and Jessica Olshefski. Continuing our commitment to education and to supporting our future business leaders, Baron Financial Group is proud to help these deserving students further their education.


Happy Fourth of July from Baron Financial!

As we celebrate our nation’s independence, we honor the courageous men and women dedicated to preserving our freedom. In the spirit of the holiday, Baron Financial Group is proud to help sponsor Adopt-a- Soldier Platoon’s Salute to American Heroes Gala Event on October 20, 2022 The annual event raises money for “Operation Wounded Care”.


We Honor Our Veterans

Baron Financial Group honors the brave men and women who gave their lives serving our country. To honor all our veterans, a donation has been made to: Adopt-a-Soldier Platoon, an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) public charity that has been supporting our Troops since April 2003 and is based in Fair Lawn, NJ. Baron will be closed on Monday, May 3oth in observance of Memorial Day.
