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Interview with the Baron Financial Group Advisors

Investing Financial Planning Baron Team

We believe that all clients and prospective clients need to understand the way their financial advisor or potential advisor operates as a firm.  We interviewed our Baron Advisors, Victor Cannillo, Anthony Benante, and James Suazo, to ask them some important questions:

  1. Tony, what services do you provide?  
    At Baron Financial Group, we provide Investment Management services to individuals and institutions. Our service helps you better understand your personal financial situation, what risks you may be taking, and whether you have enough resources to plan for the future. We want to help put you in the best financial position possible for Your Personal EconomySM.

  2.  Victor, how are you compensated, and will you sign a fiduciary oath? 
     It’s a great question and a very important one. Before you hire a financial advisor, you must know how they are compensated.  At the Baron Financial Group, we are compensated solely by the client.  We do not sell any products or collect any commissions.  Will we sign a fiduciary oath?  Yes we will.  In the oath it states that we will keep the clients’ best interests above our own.

  3.  Tony, how do you determine investment strategies for clients? 
    When creating an investment strategy, we focus on you and Your Personal EconomySM.  We’ll meet with you to determine investment experience, financial goals and objectives and overall expectations for your investments. We’ll also have you complete a questionnaire to make sure we are truly hearing you.  Together these things make up your willingness to take investment risk.  Next, we’ll want to make sure that your willingness matches your ability to take risk.  We’ll ask for even more information related to financial resources, financial goals and objectives and not just for today, but into the future, as well. Going through this process will help determine the right mix of investments to support Your Personal EconomySM in different investment environments. The process is dynamic, and reviewing, rebalancing, and validating our investment strategy for you will occur over the life of your plan.

  4.  James, how do you work as a team? 
    We work as a team to help strengthen the financial success of our clients.  Each client has a team of two advisors and one client relationship specialist.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Baron Financial Group is a Fiduciary Investment Management and Financial Planning firm, located in Northern NJ and Sarasota, FL. We hope you found this informative. Please visit our “About” page to learn more about us or call us at 1-866-333-6659 for a complimentary consultation.

Disclosure: This is a general communication being provided for informational purposes only.  Every investment strategy has the potential for profit or loss. This material is not intended to be relied upon as a forecast, research, tax or investment advice.