How to Create a Safe Digital Password
Baron Team InsightsA 30-second read by the Baron Team: Protecting our personal identity in today’s digital world is of paramount importance. Creating a safe password is essential to that process of protecting our personal identifiable information (PII). How do we keep hackers from gaining access to our emails, our financial account information and even our medical records?
According to Milton Perez, VP of Sales and Marketing for CMIT Solutions of Charlotte, Columbus, and Paramus, specialists in IT and cybersecurity:
“A Good password should be a long word or phrase and it should have a minimum of 12 characters long and never just numbers. If you use numbers, and upper and lowercase letters for a password, it could be as short as 12 characters long.”
Here is an example of a password, using different characters, and the amount of time a hacker would need to crack each version:
- 12 Characters long: StrawB3rry76 Will take 2,000 years to crack
- 12 Characters long: Str@wB3rry78 Will take 34,000 years to crack
- 13 Characters long: Str@wB3rry987 Will take 2 million years to crack
The chart below shows a more in-depth guide to creating safe passwords. Your goal is to land on the green or blue boxes.
View Baron's Cybersecurity Video on how we protect your data.
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