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Informational Video: ANCHOR Benefit Program Deadline Extended

The ANCHOR benefit application deadline has now been extended to January 31, 2023. This video presentation, originally published on October 11, 2022, has relevant information regarding the New Jersey program, but with the original application deadline of December 30th. The program provides property tax relief to NJ residents who either owned or rented their main residence on October 1, 2019 and met the income limits.

Financial Planning Taxes Videos

BFG In the News: James answers a reader’s question about distributions from an inherited IRA

James Suazo, ChFC®, is quoted on this topic, answering a reader’s question on NJMoneyHelp.com by Karin Price Mueller, “I have an inherited IRA. How soon do I have to take distributions?”, originally published on November 30, 2021. If your inherited IRA falls under the 10-year rule, the IRS has clarified the rule in their publication 590-B...

Financial Planning Taxes Retirement Planning Baron Team Insights
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The most common 1099-R Codes when filing your taxes - 2020

You will receive a form 1099-R if any money has been moved out of a retirement account. How much you will pay in taxes will depend on how the money is moved. You want to make sure any movement out of a retirement account is done properly, and the correct code is applied when you file your taxes. The code will appear in box 7 of the 1099-R.

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Tax-Identity-Theft Awareness

It is always a good time to enhance online security and know what to do if you are a victim of tax fraud. In recognition of “Identity Theft Awareness Week”, held February 3rd – 7th, we thought it was particularly timely to re-post this blog, originally posted Jan 25th, 2018.

Taxes Baron Team