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Equifax Data Breach Settlement Claim

Update to the Equifax Data Breach Settlement (this post was updated on 8.14.19) Due to the overwhelming response to the Equifax Settlement Claim, those who opt for the $125 cash settlement may only receive a small portion. Instead, you might be better served by choosing the free credit monitoring. Robert Schoshinski, Assistant Director, Division of Privacy and Identity Protection of the FTC (Federal Trade Commission), had this to say on his July 31, 2019 FTC blog post:

Credit Baron Team
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Tips to Avoid Social Security Scams

Phone scams and particularly Social Security phone scams have been in the news recently. If you are looking for ways to protect your information, here is a list of some common red flags and what to do from AARP (formerly American Association of Retired Persons). To learn more, read AARP’s article on Social Security Scams.

Social Security Baron Team
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Introducing 2 New Baron Team Members!

At Baron Financial Group, our team is our greatest asset. With the shared goal of improving our clients’ lives, we incorporate a collaborative approach throughout our process to help ensure you get maximum value out of the time you spend with us. We are pleased to announce the addition of two new team members to our client service team: Johanna Valdueza and Angela Ludvigsen!

Baron Team
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Victoria Cannillo earns the CFA Investment Foundations® Certificate

A 30-second read by the Baron Team: At Baron Financial Group, we are committed to education and further advancing our knowledge of the industry to best serve our clients. In November 2018, one of our Baron team members, Victoria Cannillo, earned the CFA Institute Investment Foundations® certificate from the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst®) Institute to help with her role as a financial analyst as well as a member of our internal investment committee.

Baron Team Recognition