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Be Alert to Common Cyber Threats

Baron Team Videos

A 30-second read by the Baron Team:  Baron Financial Group is committed to the protection and security of your personal information. Due to the recent CrowdStrike outage, there has been a reported surge in phishing emails.  Be extra cautious with emails.  Before clicking on any links or downloading attachments, double-check the sender’s email address and domain, and look for signs of spoofing or unusual email addresses.  

Avoid using search engines to search for important websites.  Instead, type the known website in your browser. Fraudsters use sophisticated techniques to create fake, realistic-looking websites.  An effective way to check if the link to the website is legitimate is to hover over the webpage link – the real URL will appear at the bottom of the screen.

As part of our Responsible Guidance platform, we created a multi-part video series to educate you on Cybersecurity, which includes information about phishing.

You can view our videos in the cybersecurity series here :

Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Disclosure: This is a general communication being provided for informational purposes only.  This material is not intended to be relied upon as a forecast, research, tax or investment advice.