Baron Financial Group Supports Special Needs Community
Financial Planning Philanthropy Baron TeamA 30-second read by the Baron Team: Baron Financial Group is committed to helping families with special needs plan for their future through the fiduciary services we provide. In addition, we are proud of the philanthropy we dedicate to organizations like Spectrum for Living (see more about Spectrum below). Baron’s founding partner, Victor Cannillo’s relationship with a special needs family member (brother-in-law Vinny, below in the red shirt) made him aware of the many challenges associated with those with developmental disabilities. It led him to become not only active in the special needs community but to commit to assisting those families plan for their financial needs.
It was Baron’s pleasure to sponsor, for the sixth consecutive year, the Annual Ice Cream Day at Spectrum for Living! Residents and staff alike enjoyed the delicious treats from the “Ice Queen” on June 28, 2023:

Spectrum for Living, a New Jersey not-for-profit organization, helps adults with developmental disabilities attain their maximum potential by providing quality housing and clinical services in state-of-the-art facilities and in the homes of families caring for a disabled loved one.
“At Baron Financial Group, we believe unwavering commitment can make all the difference. That’s why, in addition to helping our clients with their personal economy, we also enjoy donating our resources and volunteering our time to individuals and organizations in need — to not only give back to our community, but to also help those who are less fortunate build a better, brighter future for themselves and their family.”
Let us know if you would like to learn more about how we help families with special needs.
You can contact us by email or phone or by scheduling an introductory call.
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