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How we invest your money

Your risk profile, goals, and needs are at the forefront of any investment plan


At the Baron Financial Group, we want to get to know you and Your Personal EconomySM – the financial aspects of your life that are most important to you. We design portfolios based on your tolerance for risk with the objective to help meet your financial goals. The mix of cash and investments, chosen for the purpose of diversification, growth, or stability, and allocated based on your profile, is a key factor in determining the overall expected return and risk of a portfolio.

Once we have identified the appropriate strategy for you, we actively manage that strategy, including validating our choices and rebalancing  when needed. It is a dynamic process, and the focus remains on helping you best position for financial success.


    We discuss your needs and expectations and determine your ability and willingness to take risk.

    You will receive a detailed investment proposal, according to your needs, goals, and timeline, outlining how we expect to invest your assets. You will have an opportunity to review and approve the strategy prior to any investing. *

    After your approval, we implement your customized portfolio using investments that we identify by applying strict search criteria for risk, return and other key factors, such as taxes, income, and cash needs.

    Our investment committee proactively adjusts your portfolio throughout the year and actively manages your accounts. We regularly review our individual investment selections for quality and make changes when needed. Our systems help identify when portfolios drift outside of recommended allocations. The amount of drift helps signal when we need to rebalance. We meet with you to discuss results and how performance is impacting the resources used in your financial plan.

*  Every investment strategy has the potential for profit or loss. Baron Financial Group does not sell any investment products, nor are we influenced by outside interests