Deciding When to Retire
There are many factors to explore when choosing a retirement date. What would you like your retirement to look like? Watch our 40-second video to learn about planning for retirement.
There are many factors to explore when choosing a retirement date. What would you like your retirement to look like? Watch our 40-second video to learn about planning for retirement.
A 60-Second Read by Anthony Benante, CFA: Though everyone’s financial situation, or what we call your personal economy, is different, developing the right investment strategy starts with identifying your risk profile. To do this you need to determine your willingness to take risk and your ability to take risk.
One of the easiest ways to gift money to a charity in your estate plan is to name the charity as a beneficiary on your IRA or 401(k). Upon your death, the beneficiary designated on an IRA or 401(k) will receive their percentage of the assets very quickly. In addition, the designated beneficiary is independent of the will.
If you are the owner of an IRA (Individual Retirement Account) you may be aware that at age 73 (or 75, depending on your birth year), you are required to withdraw a small portion of your account and pay taxes on the amount withdrawn.
When you are planning to fund your child’s college education, the 529 plan can provide several tax-benefits for your savings. A 529 plan is a plan operated by a state or educational institution, with tax advantages and potentially other incentives to make it easier to save for college and other post-secondary training, or for tuition in connection with enrollment or attendance at an elementary or secondary public, private, or religious school for a designated beneficiary, such as a child or grandchild.